Field or button | Number | Function |
Main calculation pane | 1 | Contains the buttons and fields to perform addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of units of time. |
Upper row of entry fields | 2 | Specifies the first period of time in the calculation. |
Lower row of entry fields | 3 | Specifies the second period of time in the calculation. Note: If you click the Multiply or
Divide buttons, the lower row of entry fields
are replaced by the Constant
Equals button | 4 | Performs the calculation. |
Result fields | 5 | Display the result of the calculation. |
Operation buttons | 6 | Specifies if the calculation is addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (x) or division (/). |
Clear button | n/a | Deletes all values from the pane. |
Pass Value button | n/a | Moves the value in the result fields to the upper row of entry fields. |
Fraction Converter pane | 7 | Contains the buttons and fields to convert fractions into periods of time. |
Fraction Converter field | n/a | Specifies the fraction to be converted into a period of
time. Note: You specify if the fraction is in hours or
minutes by selecting either Hrs or
Min below this field.
Convert button | n/a | In the Fraction Converter pane, converts a fraction into a period of time. In the Fraction Creator pane, converts a period of time into a fraction. |
Fraction Creator pane | 8 | Contains the buttons and fields to convert periods of time into fractions. |
Fraction Creator result field | 9 | Displays the period of time as a fraction of hours, minutes
or seconds. Note: You specify if the fraction is in hours,
minutes or seconds by selecting either Hrs,
Min or Sec below this