DITA content does not build.
There are several possible resolutions to this error and they
are all located on the
DITA OT tab.
- Ensure the directory
in the
DITA OT Folder points to the location of
DITA Open Toolkit files.
- The directory in the
DITA OT Folder must end with a
- Tick the
Fixes Resolver checkbox.
- If you choose to
Omit shortdesc as an option, copy any
XSL files ending with
_shortdesc from the
resource folder to your
DITA OT/xsl folder.
Required output type is not listed.
Download the latest
WinANT executable file and copy it into your
WinANT folder, replacing the file of the same
name. This will update your
Output Type list to include all supported
output types.
Processed output does not reflect your latest changes.
There are several possible resolutions to this error.
- Delete the
out folder in your working directory.
- Transform to a
different output type.
- Close and re-open